Hospital Infratech


Company makes its presence by delivery services for designing, installation,verification and validation and ensuring quality compliances of installed medical infrastructures (medical gas pipeline system, LMO, PSA, Modular Operation Theatre, Modular/Hybrid  ICU, Biomedical Equipment) as per medical standards of HTM 02-01 /NFPA99/ISO/NABH. And guiding for getting best in class medical technology to treat patients.

The core team is having rich experience in building industry proven technology for providing medical gas pipeline system,modular operation theatre,modular icu,LMOO,PSA. And supplying consumables for patient care units.

 Operational maintenance, AMC/CMC and troubleshooting service to resolve malfunction of medical gas pipeline system comprising of alarms, fully/semi control panel of manifolds for O2,N2O,CO2,Air and Vacuum System,LMO,PSA and biomedical equipment.

Guiding Principal we follow to accomplish the assigned work- Quality, Adequacy. Which refers to adequate quantity of medical supply for respective patients and meeting utmost possible quality parameters.   


To run Medical Gas Pipeline System effectively  we follow four basic principles  that are as follows:

Objective Modular OT & Sterile Cubicals

  • To get access to all important junctions like laboratory, nurse station   and doctor’s chamber for external expert help and teaching on live cases through audio visual integration by  OR Navigator system.
  • To have sterile and stabile zone to operate patients with constant unidirectional air distribution through low turbulance homogenous laminar air flow system. The low turbulence sterile zone, prevents particles and germs from being drawn into the operating zone/sterile field.
  • To abide by the norms of NABH that a M-OT should have laminar air flow system  ( min 2.4mtrs *2.4mtrs size) which is an important component of Modular OT in  min 20*20*10 size of clear floor.

  • To eliminate nosocomial infections (hospital stay and aquired infections) which is recorded  as >25% through surgical wound infection. The prime sources of arising such infection are micro organisms in the hospital environment, the compromised status/arrangement of host and chain of transmission.

  • To get access to all important junctions like laboratory,nurse station   and doctor’s chamber for external expert help and teaching on live cases through audio visual integration by  OR Navigator system.